A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

A wildlife safari at Wobrun

 Nice long walk around Woburn Park today- dodged most of the showers but it was amazing to see the hale stones lay so long on the ground which must still be quite cold. But it was a good day for wildlife - the highlight my first two swallows for the year- it knocks me out every time I think that these small guys have just flwon 12000 miles from South Africa and yet were so full of energy and zazz.

Some other nice sightings- two buzzardsm 4 shelducks including the pair in the photo, mandarin ducks, tufted ducks and so much bird song.

This time of year so many birds are in their finest plummage not least these four handsome drakes- all dozing in the spring sunshine. This mute swan was in a fowl (sorry!) mood- chasing geese off the water and away from her and her mate. She was one angry bird today.

There were so many deer in the park including the lovely Pere Davids, but also many of the others, including the little muntjac. Good to see so many close up and to thrill as they bound away. Not quite springboks but not bad! And spring is really here with the primroses, bluebells and so many plants in
evidence. Nice way to spend the day.

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