A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Pegsden and Knocking Hoe

 What a great way to spend a birthday- walking with DC on Pegsden Hills and Knocking Hoe NNR. Made us puff at times but the views were stunning and the air clear, and we loved the things we saw along the way. Above us the buzzards sawed - must have seen 4, the kestrel hovered and then dived down for its prey, the skylarks sand and just soared and the songbirds made sweet sounds. A red kite flew over us and at one point chased off a buzzard - helped us see the sizes of both of these fantastic birds

 Wild flowers are coming through - the cow slips were coming into bloom, and we also saw lovely clumps of sweet white violets and the lovely blue violets. The pasque flower evaded us but hey- anothe trip is required. And we saw lots of buzzy bees and so many 7 spot ladybirds. Only two butterflies - a peacock and then on the wooded hillside my first speckled wood of the year. All this followed by a nice tea and a trip on the way home to Duck End- still no damselflies but one day nearer...and tomorrow is another day.

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