A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Its perfect

It has been a truely busy week - a good busyness but little time for ambling, and the few odd moments that came along were cold or wet. So no dragons or the like but in a few sunshiney seconds did grab some photos of the array of colour in the garden. Oh that I could convey the fragrance which is wonderful, the sweetness of the orange blossom, the delicate honeysuckle and the floral scents of the rose bushes. We have planted roses that look lovely but also have a fragrance and this year they have come into their own. Amongst them are the poppies, the last peonies, the lavender and more - but the overall effect is of clashing colours that should not work but in nature never fail to, or different shapes and sizes, the spires of red hot pokers, and just an overall impression of creation as it should be- perfect.

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