A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Butterflies on a showery morning

It was a morning of sharp showers but I was keen to get acquainted with Marston Thrift and to learn some more about butterflies, so I got out the raincoat and joined a very intersting BNHS walk. It was well worth it- the aim was to see a black hairstreak and some of the amblers thought they did, but I didn't- but I did see a few butterflies and get to know a little more about them. Many things seem obvious once you know but it only sunk in with me today that the type of tree r bush is helpful in identying what you see! So the ringlet likes blackberries and that is where I saw a handful of them today. It does not often sit with its wings open so I was lucky to see this one and get a photo. It was an added bonus to see a red kite fly overhead and to disturb a buzzard in the woods.
Have struggled with the difference between large and small skippers but had help with this and am confident now that I have been seeing large skippers-they are a little larger, more orange and with more mottling and no black edging! Good job I had had the bins with me.
And having seen one black tailed skimmer it was good to see several common blue damselflies - all away from the ponds and some of them tenerals. But the big bonus was getting to know another site for ambling and spending a very pleasant morning chatting about nothing more than ambling, butterflies, dragonflies and rain! and the weather augers well for some dragon hunting on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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