A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

A sunny day in ole Bedfordshire..............

 Been a busy week so yesterday was a day of ambling at the Wetlands at Marston Vale and then at Duck End. the day started with a real treat- a couple of guys looking through scopes let em take a peek and I was lucky enough to see a young cuckoo and tehn to see the poor little reed warbler feed the huge baby. Amazing how this happens and that very soon thsi young bird will fly to sub saharan Africa- no sat nav, no guide just inborn instinct- how brilliant is that. It was a good day too for dragonflies. I saw severla Southern Hawkers and this one perched for me to get a shot.
 A good day too for the Ruddy Darter - brilliant tomato reds- and my first for 2012. Saw these at both sites and also females.
The Emerald Damselfly is a big favourite of mine and I love the colours of both sexes. It was good to see 17 at Duck End including this pair in the wheel. 
At Marston there were good numbers of common blue damselflies- some in tandem, but this was an interesting shot of a common damsel perching at a very converluted angle. I watched it a while and it just seemed to be stretching and enjoying the sunshine - just like me.
During my ambles I saw many wildflowers, butterflies and otehr creatures. There were a lot of insects including this hoverfly - a very pretty specimen which I snapped at Duck End. A really nice day, lots to see and a good walk.

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