A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Dragons get the munchies

Fabulous walk along the River Ouse at Roxton today. Had some good views of the red-eyed damselfly - they are easy to spot as they just love sitting on lilly pads. This is the Red-eyed- but I have not yet seen this year the small red-eyed- one to plan a visit to find on another sunny day.

 It was a day when the the dragons had got the munchies and here is a photo of the beautiful male banded demoiselle devouring a mayfly. Did not see any mayfly on the wing so this was a lucky catch for this creature - you may be able to make out the long tails of the mayfly which was still alive - David tried to release it but the demoiselle just flew off with it's catch.
 My first viewing this year of a Hairy Dragonfly female - and this one too was dining. She flew by me with a demoiselle in her basket claws and then perched to have her lunch. She was a very attractive dragon and quite different to the male counterpart. The hairs on her abdomen which give her the name are visible.
And a nice surprise- peeping over a leaf as I walked along was this scarce chase- probably towards the end of the season for them now so a nice last take for this year. There have been good numbers at Roxton so lets hope they have come to stay and will migrate down the river.  Altogether a good afternoon - with black tailed skimmers aplenty, 4 spotted chasers, common blue, azure and blue tailed damsels plus a few butterflies and lots of bumblebees.

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