A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

D Day at least

What a wonderful but busy weekend- celebrating 25 years of marriage- and its still wonderful and I look forward to continuing my life journey by David's side. So what with the celebrations and the rain there has been little time for getting out but Monday was a nice sunny day and I grabbed an hour to be outside. Went to Duck End and saw my first dragonflies of the year- the large red damselfly- saw 6 by the Marsh Pond, 3 of them very newly emerged and lacking colour but three already showing the wonderful markings of this earliest species. And then I foudn another perching on an apple tree- and a very pretty picture it made. The reserve was really showing signs of life and there were a good number of native bluebells. Butterflies too were on the wing- speckled wood, organge tip and small whites all enjoying the sunny spell. Off them to Flitton Moor- the pond was much enlarged and the cuckoo flowers and marsh marigolds had sunk beneath the rising water, but on the hedge I found one solitary large red damselfly- good to see, and the meadow behind the pond was very marshy but still full of a show of golden cowslips. A lovely interlude between rainy days.

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