A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

What a wonderful world

 Depression is a horrible illness and recovery is a long slow process with its ups and downs along the way. Having had a really happy few days last week the black mist was there when I woke up on Sunday and it really saddened me - but am hanging on in as the overall direction is towards wellness. So yesterday we went for a walk around a new reserve for us and the area around it -- Sandy Smith. It was a joy to see the first bluebells in the woodland, shy quiet flowers but heralds of spring. A little earlier than some years due to the balmy weather
 Getting out has made a big contribution to my recovery and earlier this month we went on a fantastic Field Studies Council weekend at Flatford Mill. Sorting out my photos and they reminded me of the day we spent at RSPB Minsere Reserve - where we saw such a lot of different birds and animals. Amongst the birds was my first view of the shy Bittern- just in front of Bittern Hide!

On the journey there we had stopped at a sandy heathland and we were lucky enought to see a small flock of crossbills, including this one in the pine trees and a slo worm on the ground.

Minsmere was wondeful- not just birds but red deer, fallow deer, common lizard,  muntjac and a nicely rounded water vole. Learned a lot about habitats and birds - highlights included the barn owl in flight at dusk and superb views of marsh harriers.

This last week the good weather and the will to be healed of depression have taken me out a lot and close to home its been good to see so many ladybirds, Brimstone butterflies, hear the tawny owl and see bats in the twilight on Flitwick Moor, red kites, buzzards and everywhere the lovely song of the robin, blackbirds and thrush. What a wonderful creation we have to enjoy. How much it contributes to our wellness.

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