A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Three beauties

 This pretty moth was in my trap earlier this week but pore over it as I might, I could not decide if it was the sallw or the poplar kitten. Anyway got some expert help and it is the sallow. Why ? 
"Its mainly the shape of the band across the middle of the wing and the black lines on either edge of it. Poplar has some thickening of the black lines in certain places whereas Sallow does not. Sallow is also the commoner species in the county and is slightly smaller than Poplar on average."
It's brilliant to get help liek that - I think I would still be procrastinating otherwise!
 And this morning after a warm night the trap was full of moths for me to potter over. The most striking was this quite large moth with very clear markings. I have decided it is the swallow prominent - right time of year etc. These moths cannot feed and are from teh same family as the sallow kitten - Notodontidae. Likes poplars and willows.
Not the first time I have had this little beauty in my trap- in fact last night I had more of these than any other - but that fine by me - the Ruby Tiger -common as they say and likes herbaceious plants and shrubs which is probably why they like my garden.

Think I have got a while winters worth of moth photos to pore over and probably still need a little help!

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