A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Bursting the boundaries

Life is a minestrone - its a rollercoaster, its full but it is never boring. And I have enjoyed keeping this blog as a diary of flora and fauna, but I am bored with doing it that way. So I am going to stretch the boundaries and it will also journal the journey, the wonderful journey of sadness, love, hurt and awe, being amazed, being still, being loved, giving love, being tired, feeling blessed, feeling distraught,being energetic, days of being drained, trying new things, cherishing old and good memories, being willing to fall over, but having the will to keep going, times of security and times of change, saying farewell and saying hello, joy and grief, laughter and quietness. Life is for the living. And thats so good to do and reflect on and jot down. Heres to life, just being and some doing.

The moth trap has been out these last few nights and I have a load of photos to look at and pore over and find out what they are. Got some help with this one so thats why its here today - a Poplar Moth - quite stunning. Dragonflies to follow in next entry once I have done the must dos of this week and can just enjoy their glory. But no time to get bored......and thats how I like it.

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