A journal

A journal -
ambles near and far
the fauna and flora I met along the way
And some of the things I thought as I journeyed.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Brackets, shields and darters

 Its good to have a little while this evening to look through some of the photos from my more recent ambles. The autumn sun has meant that there is still a lot to see, and DENR is as lovely as ever. Went along to see if the dragonflies were still about on Friday and went to sit at a favourite spot and the log I often perch on had come to life- covered with these beautiful funghi - I think they are bracket funghi but have very limited knowledge about these. But it was to be a good dragon day - two migrant hawkers on the wing over the pond and in between bouts of driving one another off theyspent their time hawking and munching on the wing.
 It was good to see common darters on three different ponds. Its quite fun to watch - the sun comes out and there are flashes of red as the darters appear out of the vegetation and then are everywhere for a few moments, and then the sun goes behinda  cloud and they disappear. It had been a cold night so it was a thrill to see them. It made me a bit sentimental to think that one of them will suddenly be alone, the last of its kind for this season.
And enjoying the sun was this green shield bug - Palomera Prasina, aka the green stink bug for the scent it leaves. These are common and as autumn goes on will darken in colour before hibernating as an adult over the winter. They live on plant sap and have a penchant for hazel. Reading their life story was quite fascinating, egg to adult in 6 weeks and then asleep for a whole winter before starting the circle of life again next year. Looking forward to seeing them then. 
More sun please!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Late summer dragons

 I had a tremendous week away in the sunny IOW and need to sort my photos out a bit more from that sojourn but it was good to spend a fair bit of time walking in the lovely countryside and on the coast. It made me think I would like to live by the sea and we did have a bit of time looking at houses on the internet on our return. That may be a dream and it needs to rest a bit, and I am not entirely sure which coast or where I would chose so dream it probably is! 

But yesterday was a lovely sunny day so I strolled in the local countryside to remind myself why I like around here! Its always easy to think the grass is greener but I think the attraction is a simpler life as well as the sea and country!

But yesterday was thrilling with several common darters and a handful of migrant hawkers. Mostly the migrants were hawking above ponds and snacking as they did so, as if they know the sunshine may soon give way to colder, even frostier days. I did see several dragonflies in the IOW - a southern hawker, migrants, and both common and ruddy darters, and it got me thinking about dragons and salt water- something I need to look up, but I am aware that some can even tolerate their larval stage in salt or brackish water.

And I had the moth trap out and not many moths but this nice barred sallow and an orange underwing were there with even more daddy long legs.

Its a busy time these next few weeks but I am looking forward to sorting my summer photos - the dragons, the flowers, the birds, and moths. They will tell an interesting story. But a little more summer would be nice............